Feel free to visit or refer our generic product info website. Send screenshots on product to your customers from this generic site...or refer your customers to this site to send you screenshots of the product they want to order.It is non-branded, non-shoppable, and product searchable!

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Important to know:

Wholesale discount structure:

* Receive a standard 20% discount on all orders under R1000!

* Receive 21% discount for single orders greater than R1000!

* Receive 22% discount for single orders greater than R1500!

* Receive 23% discount for single orders greater than R2000!

* Receive 24% discount for single orders greater than R4000!

***Items from the Ispire range is maxed at 15% discount.

Resources we provide

In an effort to promote our product through their sales channels, we are dedicated in helping all resellers with as many tools possible.

Please make optimal use of all these resources we provide and feel free to contact us with more specific requests.

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"How it works" a few easy steps

Let us show you easy it can be. Start selling in a few easy steps.

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Important information

What is a "Wholesale Customer?"

A wholesale customer is a customer who purchases stock at a set discount, with the purpose of reselling and making a profit in doing so.

It is normally a person associated with a company...big or small!

Can I become a Wholesale Customer?


If you are someone who sells to an audience of any kind, you can become a wholesale customer with us.

Benifits of a Wholesale Customer?

As a wholesale customer, you will qualify for a standard 20% discount on all purchases. As you buy more, the great discount you will receive.

We provide all wholesale customers with amazing resources, to help ensure sales. Scroll down on this page, to view everything we provide!

Important to know

As a wholesale customer, certain rules apply:

  • You will have to maintain a minimum monthly sale threshold of R800. If not, your std discount will be revoked.
  • You will responsible to book your own shipping, either directly to you, or to your customer.
  • Full T's & C's will be provided when approved as wholesale customer.

Become a Wholesale Customer

Simply click here and open your account as a resellers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to get answers to the most commonly asked questions!

Terms & Conditions

Click here to view our full terms and conditions.

Points discussed in our full terms:

  • Product Availability
  • Prices and Discounts 
  • Quality Checking of
  • Electronic Product
    Damages and Returns
  • Pick Up and Shipping information
  • Payments and Payment Options
  • Promotional Material
  • Order Timeline
  • Colour and Size Disclaimer

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